Monday 9 July 2012

Eau de triumph!

I thought I'd chat a bit about my favourite perfume today, it is CKin2U by Calvin Klein. This scent is literally addictive to me and I cannot stop sniffing once I start. 

I got my first bottle for Christmas one year and I think I was around 16. I just wanted any perfume to wear so randomly picked this one from the boots catalogue and asked 'Santa' for it. When I got it in my stocking I was thoroughly satisfied with the smell and wore it for all of one day before placing it on my dresser where it pretty much stayed for a few years as I always forget to put perfume on. Then as I got older I started wearing it more and more until I would just go up and spray it over myself even if I was just staying in the house all day!

My poor little 50ml bottle ran out on me and I needed more, so I went to superdrug one day and the 50ml bottle was priced at £25.99 - I left it as it just seemed too much to me, however the same day, I popped into Boots and lo and behold there was to 50ml for £21 but the 100ml was £24.99! so basically you're getting double the amount for £4 more making the 50ml equivalent to £12.50. A bargain I think you'll agree! Since then I've worn it religiously once more, managed to get countless compliments in it and even persuaded one of my friends to buy it from one single whiff... I'll tell you the story.

So when I ran out of my bottle I would use testers of this perfume whenever I popped into Boots or Superdrug. So one day when my friends from Uni and I went shopping, I sprayed a generous amount over me at the perfume counter. For the rest of the day, one of my friends kept saying 'I keep getting a whiff of something that smells amazing' so after I told her that it was in fact me-she couldn't stop sniffing at me and repeating 'I need some of that' and she kept her word and bought her own. Since then I can undoubtedly sniff where she has been and know when she's wearing it.

So yes, this is by far my favourite perfume. I have tried many others of course but none yet compare to it. Maybe I need to branch out into the perfume world a bit more but I'm quite happy that this is the scent people associate with me and it smells simply gorgeous so I don't really want anything else! 
When you're next in Boots or Superdrug, take a sniff of the tester, you won't be disappointed!
ALSO it's important that I mention: it takes a while to 'develop' into the smell I know and love. If you spray some and immediately don't like it (this happened to my friend I mentioned above), then give it some time to simmer in your pocket then smell it again later and it will be a completely different scent. Trust me on this one.



  1. I love that parfume!! It smells so so amazing!! :)
    p.s. I hope you will check out my fashion blog too,
    if you have time! :)

    Much love,
    The Cabinet Of Fashion blog

    1. Aww thank-you! I know it's amazing isn't it!
      I'll be sure to check your blog and follow :)
      Thanks for reading mine xxxxx

  2. Oooo I love this scent too! I'm currently rocking Ralph Lauren Romance :)
    x x

    1. ooh i'll be sure to try that next time :) thanks for looking! I'll have a gander through your blog xxx
